
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Reading List--July 2008

1. Glory Be! by Ron & Janet Benrey 250 pgs.

2. Sisterchicks Go Brit! by Robin Jones Gunn 284 pgs.

3. Luke's Passage by Max Davis 382 pgs.

4. The Puzzle Bark Tree by Stephanie Gertler 319 pgs.

5. The Forbidden by Beverly Lewis 351 pgs.

6. Perfect by Harry Kraus, M.D. 325 pgs.

7. At Home in Dry Creek by Janet Tronstad 253 pgs.

8. Portraits of the Past by Rebecca Kelly 229 pgs.

9. No Love Lost by Lynn Bullock 251 pgs.

10. Empty Nest by Pam Hanson & Barbara Andrews 213 pgs.

11. Before Green Gables by Budge Wilson 390 pgs.

12. Broken Lullaby by Pamela Tracy 221 pgs.

Total: 3168 pages

Bird List--July 2008

1. American Crow
2. American Goldfinch *
3. American Kestrel
4. American Robin
5. Barn Swallow
6. Belted Kingfisher
7. Black Vulture
8. Blue Grosbeak
9. Blue Jay
10. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher *
11. Broad-winged Hawk
12. Brown Thrasher *
13. Brown-headed Cowbird *
14. Carolina Chickadee *
15. Carolina Wren *
16. Chimney Swift *
17. Chipping Sparrow *
18. Common Grackle
19. Common Yellowthroat
20. Downy Woodpecker *
21. Eastern Bluebird *
22. Eastern Kingbird
23. Eastern Meadowlark
24. Eastern Phoebe
25. Eastern Towhee *
26. European Starling
27. Field Sparrow *
28. Great Blue Heron
29. Great Egret
30. Green Heron
31. Hairy Woodpecker *
32. House Finch *
33. House Sparrow *
34. Indigo Bunting *
35. Killdeer
36. Little Blue Heron
37. Mallard
38. Mourning Dove *
39. Northern Bobwhite
40. Northern Cardinal *
41. Northern Mockingbird
42. Osprey
43. Pileated Woodpecker
44. Purple Martin
45. Red-bellied Woodpecker *
46. Red-shouldered Hawk
47. Red-tailed Hawk *
48. Red-winged Blackbird*
49. Rock Dove
50. Ruby-throated Hummingbird *
51. Summer Tanager
52. Tree Swallow
53. Tufted Titmouse *
54. Turkey Vulture *
55. White-breasted Nuthatch *
56. Wild Turkey
57. Wood Duck

A total of 57 species, 25 of which were yard birds.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bird List--June 2008

1. Northern Cardinal *
2. American Goldfinch *
3. Brown Thrasher *
4. House Finch *
5. Brown-headed Cowbird *
6. Blue Jay *
7. Mourning Dove *
8. White-breasted Nuthatch *
9. Indigo Bunting *
10. European Starling *
11. Red-bellied Woodpecker *
12. Red-winged Blackbird *
13. Northern Mockingbird *
14. American Robin
15. Common Grackle
16. Eastern Meadowlark
17. American Kestrel
18. Turkey Vulture
19. Pileated Woodpecker *
20. Summer Tanager
21. Tufted Titmouse *
22. Eastern Towhee *
23. Downy Woodpecker *
24. Chipping Sparrow *
25. Ruby-throated Hummingbird *
26. Rock Dove
27. House Sparrow *
28. Great Blue Heron
29. Black Vulture
30. Eastern Bluebird *
31. Red-tailed Hawk
32. Chimney Swift
33. Eastern Phoebe *
34. Hairy Woodpecker *
35. Barn Swallow
36. Northern Flicker
37. Red-headed Woodpecker
38. Wild Turkey
39. Eastern Kingbird
40. Green Heron
41. Killdeer
42. Canada Goose
43. American Crow *
44. Great-crested Flycatcher *
45. Cedar Waxwing *
46. Cattle Egret
47. Great Egret
48. Brown Pelican
49. Swallow-tailed Kite
50. Laughing Gull
51. Osprey
52. Snowy Egret
53. Black Skimmer
54. Little Blue Heron
55. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
56. White Ibis
57. Wood Duck
58. Fish Crow
59. Common Moorhen !
60. Yellow-crowned Night Heron
61. Anhinga
62. Pied-billed Grebe
63. Tri-color Heron
64. Carolina Chickadee *
65. Double Crested Cormorant
66. Prothonotary Warbler
67. Acadian Flycatcher
68. Carolina Wren *
69. Purple Gallinule
70. Least Bittern !
71. Red-cockaded Woodpecker !
72. Pine Warbler
73. Blue Grosbeak
74. Ground Dove !
75. Snowy Plover !
76. Caspian Tern
77. American Oystercatcher !
78. Eurasian Collared Dove
79. Northern Parula Warbler !
80. Boat-tailed Grackle
81. Black-necked Stilt
82. Greater Yellowlegs !
83. American White Pelican
84. Willet !
85. Short-billed Dowitcher !
86. Semi-palmated Plover !
87. Ruddy Turnstone !
88. Black-bellied Plover !
89. Whimbrel !
90. Wilson's Plover !
91. Lesser Yellowlegs
92. Semi-palmated Sandpiper !
93. Wood Stork
94. Yellow-throated Warbler
95. Orchard Oriole
96. Least Tern
97. American Coot
98. Brown-headed Nuthatch !
99. Forster's Tern
100. Yellow-throated Vireo
101. Common Nighthawk
102. Northern Bobwhite

* indicates birds seen from our yard, not necessarily in our yard
! indicates a lifer

A total of 102 birds, 28 of which were yard birds and 17 of which were lifers.

Reading List--June 2008

1. Ever Present Danger by Kathy Herman 336 pages
2. Never Look Back by Kathy Herman 336 pages
3. The Grand Scheme by Kathy Herman 336 pages
4. Hagar: God's Beloved Stranger by Hester Thomsen 199 pages
5. Bygones by Kim Vogel Sawyer 286 pages
6. Beginnings by Kim Vogel Sawyer 284 pages
7. Blessings by Kim Vogel Sawyer 284 pages
8. Desperate Pastor's Wives by Ginger Kolbaba & Christy Scannell 307 pages
9. Always Grace by Tim LaHaye & Gregory S. Dinallo 422 pages
10. Loving Tenderness by Gail Gaymer Martin 313 pages

Total: 2821 pages

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Reading List--May 2008

1. The Way We Were by Judy Baer 228 pages
2. A Promise for Ellie by Lauraine Snelling 448 pages
3. Wishing on Dandelions by Mary E. DeMuth 357 pages
4. Alice's Tulips by Sandra Dallas 246 pages
5. Someday by Karen Kingsbury 323 pages
6. Twenty Wishes by Debbie Macomber 360 pages
7. The Winding Ways Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini 320 pages
8. Can't Keep My Soul From Dancing by Mike Mennard 181 pages

Total pages: 2463

Bird List--May 2008

1. Northern Cardinal*
2. American Goldfinch*
3. European Starling*
4. Brown-headed Cowbird*
5. Field Sparrow*
6. House Finch*
7. Ruby-throated Hummingbird*
8. Indigo Bunting*
9. Downy Woodpecker*
10. Tufted Titmouse*
11. Rose-breasted Grosbeak*
12. Blue Jay*
13. Red-bellied Woodpecker*
14. Chipping Sparrow*
15. Brown Thrasher*
16. Mourning Dove*
17. White-breasted Nuthatch*
18. Carolina Wren*
19. Canada Goose*
20. Red-winged Blackbird*
21. Carolina Chickadee*
22. White-throated Sparrow*
23. Eastern Kingbird*
24. Eastern Meadowlark
25. American Robin
26. Common Grackle*
27. Turkey Vulture*
28. Rock Dove
29. Mockingbird
30. Great Blue Heron*
31. American Crow*
32. Killdeer
33. Eastern Towhee*
34. Summer Tanager*
35. Eastern Bluebird*
36. House Sparrow*
37. Wild Turkey
38. Northern Harrier
39. Pileated Woodpecker*
40. Eastern Phoebe
41. Barn Swallow
42. American Kestrel
43. Great Crested Flycatcher*
44. Northern Flicker
45. Blue Grosbeak
46. Red-tailed Hawk
47. Cooper's Hawk
48. Eastern Wood Peewee*
49. Chestnut-sided Warbler
50. Blackburnian Warbler
51. Swainson's Thrush
52. Prothonotary Warbler
53. Chimney Swift
54. Blackpoll Warbler
55. Gray Catbird
56. Wood Duck
57. Rough-winged Swallow
58. Red-eyed Vireo
59. Magnolia Warbler
60. Black-throated Green Warbler
61. Belted Kingfisher
62. American Redstart
63. Bald Eagle
64. Bay-breasted Warbler
65. Scarlet Tanager
66. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
67. Black Vulture
68. Spotted Sandpiper
69. Common Nighthawk
70. Pine Siskin*
71. Orchard Oriole
72. White-crowned Sparrow
73. Mallard
74. Sharp-shinned Hawk*
75. Yellow-billed Cuckkoo

*indicates a bird seen from our yard--not necessarily in our yard
A total of 75 species--36 of which were also yard birds.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bird List--April 2008

  1. Northern Cardinal*
  2. American Goldfinch*
  3. Purple Finch*
  4. Brown-headed Cowbird*
  5. Red-bellied Woodpecker*
  6. White-throated Sparrow*
  7. House Finch*
  8. Blue Jay*
  9. Mourning Dove*
  10. Hairy Woodpecker*
  11. Tufted Titmouse*
  12. European Starling*
  13. Downy Woodpecker*
  14. Field Sparrow*
  15. American Robin*
  16. Dark-eyed Junco*
  17. Red-breasted Nuthatch*
  18. Red-tailed Hawk*
  19. American Crow*
  20. Carolina Chickadee*
  21. Northern Mockingbird*
  22. Killdeer
  23. Eastern Meadowlark
  24. Eastern Bluebird*
  25. Red-winged Blackbird*
  26. American Kestrel
  27. Turkey Vulture*
  28. Common Grackle*
  29. Great Blue Heron
  30. White-breasted Nuthatch*
  31. Rock Dove
  32. Canada Goose
  33. Black Vulture*
  34. Chipping Sparrow*
  35. Eastern Towhee*
  36. Carolina Wren*
  37. Yellow-rumped Warbler*
  38. Mallard
  39. American Coot
  40. Ring-billed Gull
  41. Great Egret
  42. Brown Thrasher*
  43. Pine Warbler*
  44. Sharp-shinned Hawk*
  45. Barn Swallow
  46. Wild Turkey
  47. Northern Harrier*
  48. Eastern Phoebe*
  49. House Sparrow*
  50. Pileated Woodpecker
  51. Cooper's Hawk
  52. Gadwall
  53. Song Sparrow
  54. Ruby-throated Hummingbird*
  55. Eastern Kingbird
  56. Black-capped Chickadee
  57. American Tree Sparrow
  58. Brown Creeper
  59. Belted Kingfisher
  60. Indigo Bunting*
  61. Rose-breasted Grosbeak*
  62. Swainson's Warbler

*indicates a bird seen from our yard--not necessarily in our yard

A total of 62 species--40 of which were also yard birds.

Bird List--March 2008

  1. American Goldfinch*
  2. Northern Cardinal*
  3. Tufted Titmouse*
  4. Downy Woodpecker*
  5. Carolina Wren*
  6. Northern Mockingbird*
  7. Blue Jay*
  8. White-throated Sparrow*
  9. Red-bellied Woodpecker*
  10. House Finch*
  11. White-breasted Nuthatch*
  12. Carolina Chickadee*
  13. Hairy Woodpecker*
  14. European Starling*
  15. Canada Goose*
  16. Rock Dove
  17. American Robin*
  18. American Crow*
  19. Red-winged Blackbird*
  20. Eastern Bluebird*
  21. Mourning Dove*
  22. Eastern Meadowlark*
  23. American Kestrel
  24. Common Grackle*
  25. Killdeer
  26. Mallard
  27. Red-tailed Hawk
  28. Turkey Vulture*
  29. Black Vulture
  30. Red-breasted Nuthatch*
  31. Brown-headed Cowbird*
  32. Field Sparrow*
  33. Dark-eyed Junco*
  34. Wild Turkey
  35. Ring-billed Gull
  36. Song Sparrow*
  37. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker*
  38. Purple Finch*
  39. House Sparrow*
  40. Pine Warbler*
  41. Great Blue Heron
  42. Chipping Sparrow*
  43. Eastern Towhee*
  44. Pileated Woodpecker
  45. Yellow-rumped Warbler*
  46. Belted Kingfisher
  47. Brown Creeper*
  48. Cedar Waxwing*
  49. Sharp-shinned Hawk*
  50. American Coot
  51. Great Egret
  52. Blue-winged Teal
  53. Black-crowned Night-Heron
  54. Cooper's Hawk
  55. Brown Thrasher*
  56. Double-crested Cormorant
  57. Northern Bob White

*indicates a bird seen from our yard (not necessarily in our yard)

A total of 57 species--40 of which were also yard birds.

Bird List--February 2008

  1. Northern Cardinal*
  2. Tufted Titmouse*
  3. American Goldfinch*
  4. House Finch*
  5. Downy Woodpecker*
  6. Red-bellied Woodpecker*
  7. White-throated Sparrow*
  8. House Sparrow*
  9. Mourning Dove*
  10. Dark-eyed Junco*
  11. American Robin*
  12. Song Sparrow*
  13. Carolina Chickadee*
  14. Red-breasted Nuthatch*
  15. Carolina Wren*
  16. Hairy Woodpecker*
  17. Purple Finch*
  18. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker*
  19. Eastern Bluebird*
  20. Turkey Vulture*
  21. Black Vulture
  22. Belted Kingfisher
  23. European Starling*
  24. Blue Jay*
  25. Canada Goose
  26. Ring-billed Gull
  27. Rock Dove
  28. American Kestrel
  29. White-breasted Nuthatch*
  30. Brown Creeper*
  31. Field Sparrow*
  32. American Crow*
  33. Eastern Meadowlark
  34. Red-tailed Hawk*
  35. Killdeer
  36. Northern Mockingbird*
  37. Great Blue Heron*
  38. Wild Turkey
  39. Brown-headed Cowbird*
  40. Common Grackle*
  41. Mallard
  42. Sandhill Crane
  43. American Coot
  44. Eastern Towhee*
  45. Red-winged Blackbird*
  46. Fox Sparrow
  47. Northern Harrier
  48. Pine Warbler*
  49. Sharp-shinned Hawk*

*indicates a bird seen from our yard (across the fence, in the sky, etc.)

A total of 49 species--35 of which were also yard birds.

Bird List--January 2008

  1. Tufted Titmouse*
  2. American Goldfinch*
  3. Northern Cardinal*
  4. House Finch*
  5. Downy Woodpecker*
  6. Blue Jay*
  7. Carolina Chickadee*
  8. White-breasted Nuthatch*
  9. Red-bellied Woodpecker*
  10. Dark-eyed Junco*
  11. White-throated Sparrow*
  12. House Sparrow*
  13. Mourning Dove*
  14. Purple Finch*
  15. Hairy Woodpecker*
  16. Carolina Wren*
  17. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker*
  18. Eastern Towhee*
  19. Northern Mockingbird*
  20. Red-breasted Nuthatch*
  21. European Starling*
  22. Rock Dove
  23. Ring-billed Gull
  24. Common Grackle
  25. American Kestrel
  26. Field Sparrow*
  27. Turkey Vulture*
  28. Eastern Bluebird*
  29. American Crow*
  30. Belted Kingfisher
  31. Red-tailed Hawk*
  32. Golden-crowned Kinglet
  33. Great Blue Heron
  34. Mallard
  35. Bufflehead
  36. Gadwall
  37. Ring-necked Duck
  38. Redhead
  39. Canada Goose
  40. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  41. Brown Creeper*
  42. Pied-billed Grebe
  43. Song Sparrow*
  44. Eastern Phoebe
  45. Black Vulture
  46. Northern Flicker
  47. Chipping Sparrow*
  48. Eastern Meadowlark
  49. Cooper's Hawk
  50. Northern Harrier*
  51. Wild Turkey
  52. American Coot
  53. Pileated Woodpecker*
  54. Red-winged Blackbird*
  55. Brown Thrasher*
  56. Killdeer*
  57. American Robin

*indicates a bird seen from our yard (in the sky, across the fence, etc.)

A total of 57 species--34 of which were also yard birds.

Index of Lists

Reading List--January 2008
Reading List--February 2008
Reading List--March 2008
Reading List--April 2008
Reading List--May 2008
Reading List--June 2008

Reading List--July 2008
Reading List--August 2008
Reading List--September 2008

Bird List--January 2008
Bird List--February 2008
Bird List--March 2008
Bird List--April 2008
Bird List--May 2008
Bird List--June 2008
Bird List--July 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Reading List--April 2008

1. The Whole Truth by James Scott Bell 349 pgs.
2. The Penny by Joyce Meyer & Deborah Bedford 247 pgs.
3. Sister's Choice by Judith Pella 349 pgs.
4. The Three Armadillies Tuff by Jackie Mims Hopkins 28 pgs.
5. A Million Dots by Andrew Clements 46 pgs.
6. Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book? by Lauren Child 33 pgs.
7. The Boy Who was Raised by Librarians by Carla Morris 28 pgs.
8. A Sister's Test by Wanda E. Brunstetter 287 pgs.
9. Breaking Free by Lauraine Snelling 293 pgs.
10. Tallgrass by Sandra Dallas 305 pgs.
11. Up High in the Trees by Kiara Brinkman 328 pgs.
12. Crimson Eve by Brandilyn Collins 342 pgs.
13. Amber Morn by Brandilyn Collins 317 pgs.
14. And Baby Makes Five by Debra Clopton 256 pgs.
15. Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss 48 pgs.
16. Sabrina by Lori Wick 302 pgs.
17. The Butterfly Farm by Diane Noble 352 pgs.

Total pages: 3910

Reading List--March 2008

1. In Search of Eden by Linda Nichols 447 pgs.
2. The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out by Neta Jackson 247 pgs.
3. One More Sunrise by Michael Landon Jr. & Tracie Peterson 358 pgs.
4. Between Sundays by Karen Kingsbury 298 pgs.
5. A Man for Temperance by Gilbert Morris 331 pgs.
6. Bluebonnet Belle by Lori Copeland 379 pgs.
7. Every Secret Thing by Ann Tatlock 367 pgs.
8. Santa Fe Woman by Gilbert Morris 326 pgs.
9. My Lobotomy by Howard Dully with Charles Fleming 272 pgs.

Total pages: 3025

Reading List--February 2008

1. Shall We Gather at the Potluck by Mike Mennard 126 pgs.
2. Searching for Eternity by Elizabeth Musser 430 pgs.
3. Just Jane by Nancy Moser 367 pgs.
4. The Road Home by Tommy Tenney & Mark Andrew Olsen 397 pgs.

Total pages: 1320

Reading List--January 2008

1. Passion & Purity by Elisabeth Elliot 187 pgs.
2. Just Beyond the Clouds by Karen Kingbury 329 pgs.
3. Alexander and the Wonderful, Marvelous, Excellent, Terrific Ninety Days by Judith Viorst 113 pgs.
4. The Parting by Beverly Lewis 347 pgs.

Total pages: 976