
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bird List--June 2008

1. Northern Cardinal *
2. American Goldfinch *
3. Brown Thrasher *
4. House Finch *
5. Brown-headed Cowbird *
6. Blue Jay *
7. Mourning Dove *
8. White-breasted Nuthatch *
9. Indigo Bunting *
10. European Starling *
11. Red-bellied Woodpecker *
12. Red-winged Blackbird *
13. Northern Mockingbird *
14. American Robin
15. Common Grackle
16. Eastern Meadowlark
17. American Kestrel
18. Turkey Vulture
19. Pileated Woodpecker *
20. Summer Tanager
21. Tufted Titmouse *
22. Eastern Towhee *
23. Downy Woodpecker *
24. Chipping Sparrow *
25. Ruby-throated Hummingbird *
26. Rock Dove
27. House Sparrow *
28. Great Blue Heron
29. Black Vulture
30. Eastern Bluebird *
31. Red-tailed Hawk
32. Chimney Swift
33. Eastern Phoebe *
34. Hairy Woodpecker *
35. Barn Swallow
36. Northern Flicker
37. Red-headed Woodpecker
38. Wild Turkey
39. Eastern Kingbird
40. Green Heron
41. Killdeer
42. Canada Goose
43. American Crow *
44. Great-crested Flycatcher *
45. Cedar Waxwing *
46. Cattle Egret
47. Great Egret
48. Brown Pelican
49. Swallow-tailed Kite
50. Laughing Gull
51. Osprey
52. Snowy Egret
53. Black Skimmer
54. Little Blue Heron
55. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
56. White Ibis
57. Wood Duck
58. Fish Crow
59. Common Moorhen !
60. Yellow-crowned Night Heron
61. Anhinga
62. Pied-billed Grebe
63. Tri-color Heron
64. Carolina Chickadee *
65. Double Crested Cormorant
66. Prothonotary Warbler
67. Acadian Flycatcher
68. Carolina Wren *
69. Purple Gallinule
70. Least Bittern !
71. Red-cockaded Woodpecker !
72. Pine Warbler
73. Blue Grosbeak
74. Ground Dove !
75. Snowy Plover !
76. Caspian Tern
77. American Oystercatcher !
78. Eurasian Collared Dove
79. Northern Parula Warbler !
80. Boat-tailed Grackle
81. Black-necked Stilt
82. Greater Yellowlegs !
83. American White Pelican
84. Willet !
85. Short-billed Dowitcher !
86. Semi-palmated Plover !
87. Ruddy Turnstone !
88. Black-bellied Plover !
89. Whimbrel !
90. Wilson's Plover !
91. Lesser Yellowlegs
92. Semi-palmated Sandpiper !
93. Wood Stork
94. Yellow-throated Warbler
95. Orchard Oriole
96. Least Tern
97. American Coot
98. Brown-headed Nuthatch !
99. Forster's Tern
100. Yellow-throated Vireo
101. Common Nighthawk
102. Northern Bobwhite

* indicates birds seen from our yard, not necessarily in our yard
! indicates a lifer

A total of 102 birds, 28 of which were yard birds and 17 of which were lifers.

Reading List--June 2008

1. Ever Present Danger by Kathy Herman 336 pages
2. Never Look Back by Kathy Herman 336 pages
3. The Grand Scheme by Kathy Herman 336 pages
4. Hagar: God's Beloved Stranger by Hester Thomsen 199 pages
5. Bygones by Kim Vogel Sawyer 286 pages
6. Beginnings by Kim Vogel Sawyer 284 pages
7. Blessings by Kim Vogel Sawyer 284 pages
8. Desperate Pastor's Wives by Ginger Kolbaba & Christy Scannell 307 pages
9. Always Grace by Tim LaHaye & Gregory S. Dinallo 422 pages
10. Loving Tenderness by Gail Gaymer Martin 313 pages

Total: 2821 pages