
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Reading List--July 2008

1. Glory Be! by Ron & Janet Benrey 250 pgs.

2. Sisterchicks Go Brit! by Robin Jones Gunn 284 pgs.

3. Luke's Passage by Max Davis 382 pgs.

4. The Puzzle Bark Tree by Stephanie Gertler 319 pgs.

5. The Forbidden by Beverly Lewis 351 pgs.

6. Perfect by Harry Kraus, M.D. 325 pgs.

7. At Home in Dry Creek by Janet Tronstad 253 pgs.

8. Portraits of the Past by Rebecca Kelly 229 pgs.

9. No Love Lost by Lynn Bullock 251 pgs.

10. Empty Nest by Pam Hanson & Barbara Andrews 213 pgs.

11. Before Green Gables by Budge Wilson 390 pgs.

12. Broken Lullaby by Pamela Tracy 221 pgs.

Total: 3168 pages

Bird List--July 2008

1. American Crow
2. American Goldfinch *
3. American Kestrel
4. American Robin
5. Barn Swallow
6. Belted Kingfisher
7. Black Vulture
8. Blue Grosbeak
9. Blue Jay
10. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher *
11. Broad-winged Hawk
12. Brown Thrasher *
13. Brown-headed Cowbird *
14. Carolina Chickadee *
15. Carolina Wren *
16. Chimney Swift *
17. Chipping Sparrow *
18. Common Grackle
19. Common Yellowthroat
20. Downy Woodpecker *
21. Eastern Bluebird *
22. Eastern Kingbird
23. Eastern Meadowlark
24. Eastern Phoebe
25. Eastern Towhee *
26. European Starling
27. Field Sparrow *
28. Great Blue Heron
29. Great Egret
30. Green Heron
31. Hairy Woodpecker *
32. House Finch *
33. House Sparrow *
34. Indigo Bunting *
35. Killdeer
36. Little Blue Heron
37. Mallard
38. Mourning Dove *
39. Northern Bobwhite
40. Northern Cardinal *
41. Northern Mockingbird
42. Osprey
43. Pileated Woodpecker
44. Purple Martin
45. Red-bellied Woodpecker *
46. Red-shouldered Hawk
47. Red-tailed Hawk *
48. Red-winged Blackbird*
49. Rock Dove
50. Ruby-throated Hummingbird *
51. Summer Tanager
52. Tree Swallow
53. Tufted Titmouse *
54. Turkey Vulture *
55. White-breasted Nuthatch *
56. Wild Turkey
57. Wood Duck

A total of 57 species, 25 of which were yard birds.